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Hey i’m Wilson!

Lives in Lives in The City, United Kingdom

About me

I always wanted to be a great writer, like Victor Hugo who wrote "Les Miserable", or like Roman Roland who wrote "John Christopher". They have influen ...

star Icon21 Reviews
Verified by RentALL Cars
Verified by RentALL Cars

Tesla Model 3 car is going to be the king of electric cars. This battery car is better than engine powered cars. This is more than the power side.

Verified by RentALL Cars
Verified by RentALL Cars

Overall the car is good but still, the parts and maintenance will be costly. Also the moon roof n sun roof is very elegant but for Indian summer it may be an issue.

Verified by RentALL Cars
Verified by RentALL Cars

Amazing car and the autopilot works very nicely. Hopefully, Elon Musk launches Tesla into the Indian market.

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